Well, Dear ones, the verdict is in…signed sealed and
delivered…I will be having one, maybe two major leg surgeries. My thigh bone is a mess! Bone is overlapping bone…again…but there is
also a broken off nail in there and a run-away rod sinking into new bone on its
own. The legg is now about 3 inches too short!
Pretty gory for Halloween…ya think?
My case is now moved to a trauma reconstruction specialist
who. As stoic as he seemed, patted and rubbed me on the shoulder and told me I
would walk again!!! This was on the
second day I saw him…at first he seemed so stern, then showed me he has a very
real “human” side…I know and feel confident that he is the right man for the
The 1st surgery is set for Nov. 18th…the
2nd surgery is not set as it depends on the 1st surgery
healing. I will have “dead people” bone
grafts in me (shades of Frankenstein!) but LeeAnn reminds me these people
donated their bone to heal people like me…that it is a gift and I am thankful.
So…hang in there with me for the long haul, please…I thank
each and every one of you as my friends…
Love and Friendship Always,Carly Anne